Aquatic Technologies Design & Engineering Group, Inc. specializes in public commercial and semi-public use aquatic facilities such as resort facilities, competition pools, waterfalls & fountains, community and municipal pools, and water park facilities. These facilities vary greatly in size, character, and application. Aquatic Technologies D.&E.G., Inc. offers design engineering services, consultation, forensic analysis of existing systems, value engineering, and aquatics related project management. The complete package of services relieves the Owner or lead consultant or Architect of the sometimes arduous and difficult task of coordinating and managing the various disciplines involved in the aquatics portion of the project.
Successful Projects begin and end with design. Permitting, construction, and project close out all rely upon good construction documents, but if these phases are to be seamless, “good” documents are not enough; excellent documents must be produced. Contractors’ change orders are generally the scourge of any project, and can mostly be avoided if the designer has been thorough enough to anticipate potential issues, has thought through each step in the construction process, and has provided every possible detail that the contractor may need in order to construct the work. A good design provides the schematic concept, but an excellent design leaves very few decisions to the contractor.
Beyond the construction phase, operation and maintenance of the facility is also dependent upon design. Consideration must be given to long term life cycle costs and longevity of equipment and finishes, while keeping in mind the construction budget. Many quality, durable products exist that have been developed for use in general or specialized construction or mechanical systems, but may be perfectly suitable for use in some manner in the aquatics industry. Whether it be developed for electro-mechanical, water treatment, finish materials, or structural components, we at Aquatic Technologies D & EG are always on the lookout for such products, and regularly incorporate such products into our design.
Operation & maintenance of a facility is also least costly if user friendly. The intended function and operation of the facility is almost always abandoned, and becomes reconfigured with vital, expensive and sophisticated equipment being disconnected if the maintenance staff must carry a manual with them when performing operational tasks. Simple, easy to understand, reliable equipment specified during the design phase ensures that the facility is operated as designed, and continues to be efficient long after the designers and contractors have finished their work.
Zero Defects is the only acceptable standard.
Our priorities in order of importance;
Company size is no gauge of quality design. We intentionally keep the firm small in order to be able to allow time for focus on each and every detail of the project. The level of design and detail we provide cannot be maintained if the design is delegated, and the drafting is spread amongst several personnel. Each and every project element is developed and discussed by the principals prior to inclusion in the design.
arious disciplines involved in the aquatics portion of the project.
Successful Projects begin and end with design. Permitting, construction, and project close out all rely upon good construction documents, but if these phases are to be seamless, “good” documents are not enough; excellent documents must be produced. Contractors’ change orders are generally the scourge of any project, and can mostly be avoided if the designer has been thorough enough to anticipate potential issues, has thought through each step in the construction process, and has provided every possible detail that the contractor may need in order to construct the work. A good design provides the schematic concept, but an excellent design leaves very few decisions to the contractor.
Beyond the construction phase, operation and maintenance of the facility is also dependent upon design. Consideration must be given to long term life cycle costs and longevity of equipment and finishes, while keeping in mind the construction budget. Many quality, durable products exist that have been developed for use in general or specialized construction or mechanical systems, but may be perfectly suitable for use in some manner in the aquatics industry. Whether it be developed for electro-mechanical, water treatment, finish materials, or structural components, we at Aquatic Technologies D & EG are always on the lookout for such products, and regularly incorporate such products into our design.
Operation & maintenance of a facility is also least costly if user friendly. The intended function and operation of the facility is almost always abandoned, and becomes reconfigured with vital, expensive and sophisticated equipment being disconnected if the maintenance staff must carry a manual with them when performing operational tasks. Simple, easy to understand, reliable equipment specified during the design phase ensures that the facility is operated as designed, and continues to be efficient long after the designers and contractors have finished their work.
Zero Defects is the only acceptable standard.
Our priorities in order of importance;
Company size is no gauge of quality design. We intentionally keep the firm small in order to be able to allow time for focus on each and every detail of the project. The level of design and detail we provide cannot be maintained if the design is delegated, and the drafting is spread amongst several personnel. Each and every project element is developed and discussed by the principals prior to inclusion in the design.
Project Coordination
Each discipline involved in a project should closely coordinate with the others in order to provide a complete design without conflicts. While our specialty is narrow in scope as regards the overall project, we nevertheless review all designs of the other consultants for the project. We strive to avoid conflicts, and to ensure that the other consultants have allowed for the aquatic facility’s requirements for electrical, potable water, waste water, soil bearing, piping routes and elevations, Code requirements of specific Architectural elements, and appropriateness of function and location. We do not operate in a vacuum, and require the same of the other consultants.
Project Specifications
Our Specifications are among the most, if not the most, extensive, and complete in the industry. Each project specification set is written for the particular project. While we have basic specifications for a specific product that we may use in multiple instances, we edit each and every section. We do not copy and paste “boiler plate” specifications.
Contract Administration
From production of the bid documents, to construction observation, we conduct ourselves with the same thoroughness that we employ with the design, whether we are the lead, or only consultant, on a project, or are a small part of a larger team. As with project coordination during the design phase, our site visits incorporate observation of all portions of the project that may impact the aquatic facility and do not limit ourselves as though looking through a tunnel.